Alcohol/drug/substances abuse is becoming an increasing danger in our nation. Studies show that even school children are attracted to liquor, narcotic substances and tobacco products. A significant proportion of these young people eventually get addicted posing a threat to their own health and safety, while creating untold distress to their families and the public at large.


  •  To educate and enable youth to reject illicit drugs.
  •  To prevent drug use and encourage occasional users to discontinue.
  •  To ensure that campus and surroundings are maintained free of drugs/alcohol.
  •  To find the biological, environmental, behavioral and social causes and consequences of drug use & addiction across the life span.

Ani-Narcotic Club is constituted with the following staff members as the members of the committee during the academic year 2022 -23


Anti Narcotic Club
Name Particulars Status
Sri. Dileep Kumar K Principal Chairman
Excise Officer Pampady   Chairman
Sri. Rajesh R HOD, Electronics Convener-Staff -in -Charge
Sri. Thomaskutty Jose NSS Programme Coordinator Convener staff -in -Charge
Akshay Ashok ECE5 President student representative
Roofus Paul John CHE5 Secretary 
Arun Biju CT5 Member
Rohith Ramesh ELE5 Member
Adithya K B CT5 Member
Vinay S CHE5 Member
Aslam Habeeb ECE5 Member
Nibin Babu ELE3 Member
AbhijithAni ECE3 Member
Josh Raj CT1 Member
Karthik K Alex EEE1 Member